Transcending Fear in the Security Culture
An essay delving into the psycho-political theme of fear.
Civilization once necessitated the overcoming and confronting of fear in order to create stability and unity, relying on cultivating the virtue of courage. However, our post modern technological civilization - and its non stop 'states of emergencies' - has shown to propagandize and utilize fear instead of overcoming it. This essay is ultimately a polemic with Hobbes' axiom of civilized human nature being grounded on rational self-preservation and mutual self interest. It explores the political and technological phenomena which have emerged from this perverted relationship with fear, asking the reader to radically rethink associated issues to do with violence, courage, danger, technology and security. It draws on such sources as Paul Virilio, G.K Chesterton, King Gundobald of a 5th Germanic kingdom, a David Cronenberg Film, Plato and some inspiring conversations I've had with other like-minded, independent thinkers.